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Especialidades Médicas

Terapia Física

Pruebas Diagnósticas

Sala de Infusión

Medicina de estilo de vida

Clínica de Diábetes

Acondicionamiento físico

Acondicionamiento Físico

In CAIMED we have a medical center located in Chia – Cundinamarca that has a functional gym fully equipped for physical activity and a personalized training plan. Our program is based on the personal objectives proposed for each person and includes the accompaniment of a professional who will direct all your sessions.

The service of the gym is focused on improving your quality of life and that of your whole family. Ask about our packages for sessions without time limits, family plans and individual sessions at additional times to be agreed upon.

Get your first session completely free

Sign up now through the form! Or contact us at :870 7070 / Whatsapp: 317 5131016